Away From The Spotlight: Take A Look At These Celebrities Doing Their Normal Jobs

Being a celebrity has its pros and cons. Having a luxurious life and a high credit score is one of the benefits of being a celebrity. However, there are still some who choose to live a quiet life and retire from show business. They decide to get a degree and become lawyers or teachers and prefer to enjoy their life away from the public’s eyes. For some, they might not appear in front of the camera anymore but opt to work behind it as a director, writer or producer. Some of these Hollywood stars might have been able to live a retired life thanks to their investments and businesses.

Alicia Silverstone – Activist

Alicia Silverstone was one of the promising actresses during the ‘90s and arguably one of the more recognizable names on this list. A lot of people envied her because she lived a glamorous life in a Bel Air mansion and has set the standard for glamor and luxury for modern celebrities. This was also the time when she played the role of the pretty blonde girl Cher in Clueless and gave an outstanding performance.

In the ‘90s, Alicia chose to use her fame as a platform to do something good and create steps on how to make a difference. She had always wanted to change the world and make it better. She is now an activist who is still working on her acting career but never forgets the reason she started working hard in the first place. Alicia has a net worth of $20 million and we hope she has great money management skills and a financial advisor.
