45 Weddings that Prove to us that Wedding Shaming is Real

As an engaged couple, you’re making important decisions about your wedding that will affect not only you but also your guests. While you want to ensure that your plans reflect your preferences, you should also consider what your guests could appreciate because they’ll be along for the ride.

It is an all-too-common dilemma: attempting to arrange the wedding of your dreams while not offending anyone. Many ladies find themselves in this predicament to some degree, and it’s all because of wedding shamers. Some strangers follow a wedding on social media and freely talk trash about it, assuming the couple will never know or see it. These folks often unconsciously give a harsh and unambiguous judgment on a bride or groom for their wedding-day decision.

This just proves that wedding shaming is real, and here are some of the nastiest comments that you can ever find.

Mom, this is not cool!

During their wedding day, the bride and groom are the centers of attention. They’re about to enter another challenging degree of their life. What a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! It’s simple to scold a random visitor. After all, there’s an unspoken taboo about attending others’ weddings in white. What do you do when your mother-in-law tries to take your thunder?

As expected, the bride wore a gorgeous gown to her wedding. What about her mother-in-law, though? After all, she’s dressed like a bride like her son’s soon-to-be-wife! She had the option of wearing any color she wanted, but she selected white. Is picking something unique so tough? Can you wear your favorite color: lilac, pink, or baby blue? Not only that, she also had a picture with her son that made them looked like a newly-wed couple. So what does it mean?

Stealing the Spotlight

While wedding ceremonies develop, one rule of thumb remains the same: avoid wearing white to a wedding at all costs. Every girl has fantasized about her wedding and marriage at some time in her life. Who wouldn’t desire a dream wedding where they get to wear a beautiful gown and marry their true love?

Of course, you should be the most beautiful girl dressed in white at your wedding. But we think someone is stealing the credits here. This woman thought it would be a great idea to wear white to someone else’s wedding. Not only that, but she was in a gown that looked like it belonged to a bride! Wearing a neutral dress may appear harmless, but it can throw the bride off. Can we be more sensitive?

Sacred Day no More

While cutting investment money by doing things yourself is standard for any couple planning a wedding, one bride’s notion of a homemade urinal appears to have gone too far. She admits she wants a ‘hay urinal’ at her future wedding.

The unidentified woman’s message was on Reddit, and some call the concept “disgusting” and “vile.” Of course, people are quick to disapprove of the bride’s idea for a hay urinal for her wedding. She created the hay urinal to raise awareness about pee recycling. However, it does not appear that this approach is appropriate for a special day like this. In truth, it simply appears filthy and unclean. It’s no surprise that it triggered so many individuals. You know there will be a lot of handshakes, so definitely not a good idea.

Read: We Don’t Like You

Dealing with frustrations from relatives and friends who aren’t invited to your wedding may be exhausting, especially if you’re throwing a small or micro wedding. You’ve mailed out the invitations, and now you’re getting calls from people who aren’t on your guest list, expressing their confusion, anxiety, or even fury. “Why am I not invited?”

There will always be a list of the uninvited, whether due to money or capacity limits. Then there’s the problem of how to tell someone they won’t be able to attend your special day. The “you’re not invited” cards are amusing elopement announcement cards for newlyweds to send after their elopement. We give credit to this post, but we are not advocating you send cards telling them they’re uninvited to your wedding.

My Bestfriend’s Wedding

We’re not going to lie: their gowns are very stunning. But, wait, who’s the bride? Is this a double wedding? Where’s the other groom? That’s a little weird to some degree. Of course, the goal isn’t to cast a shadow on the bride.

An invited person should be able to blend in with the crowd. If you choose to break this unspoken rule, you have awful taste. Opt for a dress with pastel or jewel tones, except white. Know when to be the cheering section for your two friends and family members who are locking each other down (with love!) for life. Wear something lovely that isn’t white, take advantage of the complimentary gin and tonics, and let the happy couple be the center of attention.

The Cringe Is Real

Weddings are evolving to reflect the unique interests of brides and grooms. The wedding date is just one feature that engaged couples can now adjust. Of all, getting married on a weekday is perfectly normal everywhere in the world. Though they aren’t as popular as Saturday events, we credit Friday weddings for too many reasons. Well, we are making an exemption to this one.

During his wedding, a groom held a banner. It read: ‘getting married on a Friday because Saturdays are for the boys.’ Surprisingly, the bride holds up a piece of the placard and watches her new husband and his buddies consume alcohol. What aspect of this photo makes you cringe? Well, everything about it makes us cringe.

Where’s Humanity?

Weddings include varying degrees that everyone expects, such as ceremonies, refreshments, music, and flowers. But live animals at a wedding? They’re a lot less common. While some Indian weddings include elephants or horses, live animals at a wedding rarely make it to your table.

It’s only natural that you want your pet to be a part of your big day; after all, they are family! However, consider whether your dog is shy or outgoing around others and whether they can handle the hive at your wedding. The most straightforward approach to incorporate your passion for animals is through your decors and invitations. You can always express your passion for the earth and yourself without exploiting the animals you care about.

Happily Ever After

Weddings are formal affairs with all the trimmings. But reserve the formalities for the chapel. The reception is one place where brides and grooms may let their hair down and party! A hilarious wedding cake topper is an unusual approach to exhibit your personality and add some humor. We think these cake toppers are a terrific way to add some flair to your confection, whether they’re quirky, amusing, or a little tongue in cheek.

In this amusing cake topper, a bride in a glittering white flooring-length gown pulls on her groom and vice versa. Of course, a wedding day wouldn’t be complete without jokes about someone getting cold feet and fleeing. That’s what this amusing bride and groom cake topper represents.

Optimism is Key

The ongoing pandemic has certainly made people wary about holding gatherings for fear of getting Covid-19. However, this couple believes the health crisis is now over, and it’s okay to invite about 90 people to their wedding. The best part is that they do not require their guests to wear masks. Yes, a room full of people with no social distancing and masks off.

We certainly give credit to their optimism that the virus is finally gone. It seems that they’re not aware of how contagious the virus is. If it were only possible to wish the virus away, then we would have been back to normal already. We hope that their happy ending didn’t cause health problems to their guests.

The Cookies Said What!

Cookies are delicious and are perfect for all occasions. In fact, they’re often a staple in many wedding celebrations. It’s not surprising that wedding guests often look forward to dessert. Not only are cookies easy to prepare, but they can add some flair to the wedding theme.

This couple thought it was good to have custom cookies as their dessert. There was nothing wrong with that, except how the design turned out. Also, their initials didn’t help much with the outcome. It’s going to be uncomfortable eating dessert that is laden with a threat, don’t you think? We hope they didn’t put too much investment into their cookies, though. We have to admit; we did cringe at this creative disaster.

We’re All in This Together

There’s nothing wrong with having a theme for your wedding. Some, like this couple, decided to do a High School Musical themed wedding. We’re not sure if this is a fake post or a joke but to each his own. For sure, this pair will be spending a good deal of their investment money to pull this off.

The bride does seem to be quite excited about her wedding preparations. She even thought of inviting the cast of her favorite show. What’s amusing is that she asked her friends and family if they knew the addresses of these celebrities. We are unsure if Zac Efron or Vanessa Hudgens found find time to attend her wedding, though. Do you think they would if they could?

Say ‘No’ to Toxicity

Everyone knows the phrase, “Family is everything”. Sure, our family is our support group, and we grew up with them, too. However, family members can be toxic, too. You may not be able to choose who your relatives are, but you can certainly take steps to avoid them when you can.

Take, for example, this young lady who was invited to her cousin’s wedding. Here’s the kicker. The cousin was marrying her ex-fiancé, who cheated on the young lady. Her aunt (her cousin’s mom) was trying to convince her to attend the wedding because, you know, family is everything. We can’t really fathom how these people thought it was a good idea at all. We give credit to this lady who chose not to go.

Pure Selfishness

If you have a friend who wants you to change your look for her, you need to reconsider your relationship. We do know that brides want to be the star of the night. After all, it is her wedding day. However, asking your bridesmaids to look a certain way is pure selfishness right there.

This lady was presented with this dilemma when the bride asked them to cut their hair and have it dyed, too. To her credit, she asked the other’s opinions whether she was being selfish in not wanting to dye her blonde hair. However, we believe that she is better off keeping her hair color. No true friend will want their besties to change their appearance, to be honest.

Tall Drink of What?

Some people are just ungrateful. Take, for example, this lady who was embarrassed by her fiancé’s proposal. Her guy works in the Air Force. Naturally, he would pop the question in a place that matters to him, too. However, his girlfriend didn’t like it one bit. In fact, she asked him if he could propose to her somewhere normal, you know, like the beach.

He did propose again in a more “normal setting,” and the bride-to-be was ecstatic, to say the least. We aren’t sure what was wrong with the first proposal. The guy serves the country, plus having an airplane as a backdrop is way better. We just hope that his investments in his lady love pay off in the long run.

Stealing Someone Else’s Thunder

Girls often daydream about their wedding day. For sure, they are thinking about the gown they will wear and walking down the aisle to marry the love of their life. Aside from that, girls also daydream about being the only ones wearing white on their special day. However, there are instances when your envisioned wedding will not turn out the way you hoped it would.

For example, this wedding may have been spoiled by a guest who thought it was a good idea to wear white. You might think that she is the bride with the way her gown is styled even. It might be that she wanted to wear the dress that she bought with her investment money. She could have picked a better time to wear that dress, though.

Who’s Getting Married?

It is easier to tell a guest when they wear white at someone’s wedding. After all, it is one of the wedding etiquettes that only the bride should wear white. But what if it is your own mother who is stealing the show? The bride has donned a simple but elegant gown for her special day. However, her mother has totally outshined her.

It seems that her mother thought it best to wear white on the same day. In fact, it looks far more like a wedding dress than what her daughter was wearing. Is it really hard to pick a gown of a different color? Surely, she can use her credit card to buy a dress that will not steal her daughter’s thunder on her wedding day.

Worth Every Penny

People often tend to undermine the work of others. It seems that those who commented on this post are no different. So what if the artist charges their clients $1,000 for a live painting? Not everyone can capture a moment while the usual wedding hubbub is currently happening. However, the author of this post wanted nothing less than what Picasso could do.

Firstly, we don’t understand why they want their wedding painted in cubism style. Secondly, they might need to apply for personal loans if they wish to hire Picasso. There’s nothing wrong with that, though, but there’s also nothing wrong with the artist’s asking price. It took them years to hone their craft and deserve to put a price on their work. Can’t we just appreciate their hard work instead and pay them well?

A Furry Plus One

Felines are quite adorable, to be honest. It’s not surprising that some cat lovers would often bring their pet cat with them wherever they go. However, would you really want to have someone’s cat at your wedding? Even if they are a close family member or friend? The answer is no for sure. It’s already stressful enough to coordinate your wedding without having to worry about the welfare of the cat.

This bride-to-be is trying her hardest to be understanding. But we hope that she remembers that it’s her wedding and she’s using her own investments to make her dream come true. She gets priority and not the cat—even if it is a guest’s plus one on her wedding day.

Cheekiness at Its Peak!

Those who are given the task of toasting the bride and groom know how stressful this is. After all, you don’t want to reveal too much or offend anyone by accident. For sure, you have the best stories, but you wouldn’t want the bride or the groom to glare at you from a distance, right? Right!

The same goes true about embarrassing your best mate, or is this alright? This best man is having none of it. Just imagine being the best man twice for the same friend! We give him credit for his cheeky spiel if he does go through with it. Maybe adding a bit more commentary, like hoping that this one would last longer, wouldn’t hurt either.

Yes, You Are Overreacting

Brides can’t help but get worried about the smallest things when their wedding is coming up. One of them is having a baby on their wedding day. Yes, they can be a hassle to some guests, but they can also be a source of entertainment too. It may be that the bride is worried that the little one will be stealing the show on her wedding day. After all, they should be the stars with all the investment money they put on their wedding.

Unfortunately, this bride needs to get her priorities straight. She got hurt when she heard that one of her bridesmaids would give birth before her wedding. She seemed to forget that her friend had been trying to have a child for so long. However, this seemed to spoil her day. We are hoping that she realizes that she is overreacting.


Couples who use Uber on their wedding day are quite brave, to say the least. However, opting for an UberPool? This sounds a bit of a stretch, especially if you are not expecting someone to be in the same car as you. However, if you opted for an UberPool, it means someone will be booking the same ride as you.

Well, this customer was not only surprised that she was riding with a couple who was getting married, but the two got angry at her for being in the same car. If they didn’t want to spoil their wedding day, maybe they should have used their credit cards to hire a bridal car instead of an UberPool.

Hook, Line, and Sinker

It seems that the author of this post can easily relate to Taylor Swift’s now-deleted comment that said, “I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.” It turns out that the man she was dating got entangled with her best friend. She chose to remove herself from the issue and, to her credit, decided to move on with her life.

But surprisingly, her ex and former best friend still thanked her for introducing them on their wedding website. The gall of these two! It wouldn’t be a bad idea to appear on their wedding day and share the real deal, right? After all, weddings are always a source of entertainment. Her story will definitely make their wedding one to remember, don’t you think?

Someone Had to Say It!

We understand that brides want the spotlight on them on their wedding day. However, this doesn’t permit them to become brats or bridezillas at all. This woman seems to have had enough of this nonsense. After all, there is still an ongoing pandemic, and some of these brides are complaining about the smallest and pettiest of issues that should not even be a problem in the first place.

Complaining about how cheap the wedding gifts are or the bridesmaids not treating her special enough is definitely making you a bridezilla. Believe us when we tell you that the world doesn’t revolve around you. It’s better to be glad that your guests are putting their health at risk to see you on your wedding day. Your investments should be in relationships and not on material objects.

This “Seramony” Doesn’t Sound Right

The wedding coordinator for this wedding has created a poorly written message for potential attendees. Aside from being grammatically incorrect, the rules and regulations are quite off-putting. Although we can accept the reminders for guests to wear a different color for the wedding, instructing them to wear a certain hairstyle is not.

Also, telling people when to use their social media and whatnot is downright rude. In fact, asking guests to bring a gift worth $75 is over the top. Why is this coordinator calling all the shots even? The couple should reconsider getting their investment money back from this wedding coordinator. Otherwise, they will not have guests attending their happy day after receiving this poorly drafted letter.

Virus Wedding Color Scheme

We will not blame you if you find this a cringe-worthy post. A virus-themed wedding? Really? The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown the world off course. Nothing is conventional these days. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with putting off your wedding. You can even head to the registry office and just sign papers. Not only will this be easier, but you won’t have to apply for personal loans for your wedding, too.

This couple will not let a contagious virus stop them from having a wedding—even if they do it pandemic style. However, the ideal wedding theme for this pandemic is not having a huge event at all. It’s better to be safe than sorry since the cost of getting medical assistance for this virus will be more than just $100.

Off Her Rocker

Some would think that leaking a wedding’s improper dress code would be amusing. However, the host of this event was not. It seems that she takes being betrayed quite seriously. In fact, she used her investment money to purchase an actual polygraph machine to catch the snitch. This is quite wild, don’t you think?

To top it all off, the host said that whoever missed her Polygraph Party will be seen as guilty until proven otherwise. We can’t help but admire her tenacity to find who spilled the beans online, especially after she became the butt of jokes. However, we think that she had gone too far with this one. Not only that, but dropping the Indian wedding ceremony on the rant defeated her entire tirade as they chose to discriminate. We are curious as to who attended this unusual party. It is definitely one for the books.

Who Really Matters Here?

A bride almost always thinks of any detail big and small in preparation to her big day. From the general theme to even the table arrangements of the reception tables, the bride does all of these to ensure that her big day can go on without any mishap or something unpleasant happening, which is a tedious investment.

For this woman, her concern may initially sound normal but just end up so weird. Apparently, she posted a Facebook poll to determine which one of the two dresses is the right fit for her. Now, many may think that she did this to impress her soon-to-be-husband. But, no, she did it to impress her ex, which violates an unspoken rule of not inviting your ex to a wedding.

You Won’t be Missed!

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, safety has been pretty much paramount to any activity and this includes weddings. Unfortunately, such measures have drawn stark opposition from some over the years, which has caused disputes and perhaps an unnecessary usage of insurance. This is also indicated with this DM which was probably sent on Facebook Messenger.

In this message, this woman thought that it was a great idea to ask the bride if she and her family could attend the ceremony without masks. Now, while there may be some who can disagree on the rules of the wedding, to say it directly to her means that she never respected her to begin with. Perhaps it was good riddance that the bride never invited the offending woman and her family to begin with.

Animals Wedding Décor!

For many soon-to-be-wedded couples, having animals during their big day is not that unusual. In fact, there have been numerous weddings that actually have their favorite animal as the central theme. However, just because you can have them at a wedding does not mean that care is ignored. Just take a look at this Facebook photo of a poor goldfish in a fish bowl.

Apparently, the little guy passed away, as noted by it floating to the top of the bowl. Given the setup the fish was in, no investment in fish care was even made. It seems that the one who made the post agrees. If any couple just wants to have animals in their big day, at the very least have some responsibility in taking care of them.

Quite Obnoxious

Photobombs are always regarded as hits or misses. After all, they are pretty much there as an unintentional way to add detail to a photograph. While many people, including wedding couples, can let some photobombing slide, there comes a time when such acts can be insensitive at best. Some of those on the receiving end can invoke strong responses

For example, this person holding an iPhone, who decided to bomb a highly tailored shoot of a newlywedded couple. The wedding photographer held no punches and lambasted the photobomber for ruining what was supposed to be a great shot. The photographer also advised guests to leave their phones for the big day. Although, the quite upstart tone of the photographer may be going too far. To the person’s credit, it was their job.

The Perfect Wedding Accessory

While firearms have their time and place such as home security or security in general, this instance is just being ludicrous. Apparently, as a response to a possible extension of a stay-at-home order in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, this couple decided to advise their guests to bring a ‘tyranny defense device,” which comes in the form of firearms.

Now, there are issues with this. For one, arming yourselves implies that you won’t go down without a fight, which is wholly unnecessary. Second, if children are involved, then this stunt is pretty much useless to begin with. Third, if other couples can manage to postpone their big day in the meantime, why can’t this couple? It seems that anyone that was involved in this stunt has been just reckless.

There’s Not Much to Miss

While having your guests come to your big day with mandatory gifts can turn off some, this one took it further. Apparently, for any guest to attend this person’s wedding, a gift with a minimum value of $250 is required, which is too much for any person’s credit card. According to this person, the fact that their big day falls on Christmas day means that they also deserve some high-value gift.

Of course, it is not surprising that the person replying is one of shock and bewilderment. Naturally, they refused. The other person responded with saying that the person may miss out on the big. Well, good riddance then, as an effective payment to enjoy the big day is not deserving to attend to.

True Colors Revealed!

In this day and age, businesses refusing to serve certain groups due to who they are can’t only be quite harsh and cruel but also bad business practices. After all, one starts a business to earn money and to ensure that the investment made can actually grow in the long run. Somehow, this wedding videographer had not received the memo.

Apparently, a same-sex couple approached said videographer to work for their big day. While the videographer was quite happy about their union, they refused since they do not work on ‘certain’ weddings. Not only was the person’s reply quite discriminatory but also was quite bad business. This person probably received fewer customers as a result of the fiasco they somehow created.

The Lion King

Children can be quite chaotic during wedding days. After all, some of them cannot simply be controlled. However, it does not mean that the kid should be scolded since they’re kids. However, this bride managed to do so and, in the process, showed to the world that her entitlement knows no bounds.

While it is undeniable that the bride shines to a degree during a wedding, this one got enraged when a child decided to wear a lion outfit during her big day. While the kid was being frankly oblivious to the affair, the bride unnecessarily got angry that the little girl was not following the dress code of smart wear. Overall, the bride ended up becoming more like a child in attitude in the process.

Taking Advantage of People

For weddings, a big part of the expense pie is paying to any personnel hired to have the couple’s big day. This, of course, can lead to some doing measures to save a lot in order to prepare for their future in the form of investment money. However, this advice on a website decided to have a more radical yet soulless approach to saving money for a wedding.

Apparently, one of the tips is having a free photographer. Inevitably, this means tapping in to the couple’s family members or anyone close to them to photograph their big day. This advice is pretty much saying to manipulate people into rendering their services for free. With that tip in mind, any couple will not find any competent photographer for their big day.

Big Shocker

Now, we all hear couples having to cancel their big day during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure that the disease won’t spread. However, this couple decided to go on with the wedding, despite the pandemic ravaging many communities. According to this post, they invited 150 guests to their big day. Naturally, many of them didn’t attend, but some still did.

While the couple is certainly happy that they tied the knot, they also contracted the disease in the process, which is not surprising. In addition, the couple though to announce that they can advice others for their big day. If one does this in a similar way that one investment scammer does this to you, you have to stay far away immediately.

That Escalated Quickly

Some couples during their big day may see some uninvited guests despite their efforts and investments in ensuring that only a certain number of people are invited. While some of these guests can blend into the sea of other visitors well, some can stick out like a sore thumb. For example, this guest decided to invite themselves into a couple’s wedding, though the newlyweds wanted a guest list composed of their friends and family only.

It is already bad enough that this person waltzed is unwarranted. However, what made this worse is that after the couple said they had never communicated with the person for years, the unwanted guest went on a long rant and revealed his feelings to the couple.

Ignorance Is Bliss?

While many people may think that problems can go away by not minding them, this is not true as the said issues can linger at any time. This is the case with COVID-19, which saw some people fed up with the restrictions and decided that the pandemic was nothing to worry about, which can put some insurances at risk. One of those people is this person commenting on a Facebook post.

According to them, they decided to hold their big day with 150 people in attendance and having no safety restrictions. This means no masks, no sanitizers, and no limits on person-to-person contact. While this person has gone off the irrational route, we can say that some of these guests may have more sound minds not to attend.

Shut Up

For any wedding preparation, it is inevitable that there may be some mishaps such as restaurants or venue organizers refusing services for various reasons. Of course, none came close to having such severe refusal as during the COVID-19 pandemic. After all, no owner wants to be responsible for inadvertently spreading the virus and putting strain on people’s finance, which can prompt them to get cash loans.

This couple, however, did not get the memo. Apparently, after the restaurant that was supposed to host their wedding decided to cancel their event, they decided to host their big day like a backyard wedding. To add things further, they encouraged guests to attend discreetly by riding Uber taxis. This is just plain reckless for the couple.

Say What Now?

While many couples can experience some unexpected events during their big day, some of them can be welcoming ones. This one, however, just felt so bizarre and sad that one can feel sorry to the ones responsible for it. Apparently, an uninvited couple decided to spice things up during the reception when the guy proposed to his girl, who happened to be the bride’s sister.

While the act was already bad enough, the fact that the girl not only refused it but also broke off made things both hysterical and sad. The bride and the other guests might have felt a significant degree of cringe to the now-ex-couple. If there is a lesson to be taken from here, it is don’t do unwanted stunts during someone’s big day.

It Is Never Enough!

A wedding is supposed to be the big day for any couple. Thus, they always make an investment to ensure that any unwanted event can be prevented. Unfortunately for this couple, that unwanted event is an unsolicited renewal of the vows of their mother-in-law. Apparently, the said mother-in-law decided that the big day was not special enough for her. So, she decided to renew her vows with her husband two hours before her child’s slated wedding.

Fortunately, the mother’s child just laughed off such an act of entitlement and selfishness in the aftermath. However, one cannot help but feel enraged and pity the mother-in-law for trying to be the center of attention. Indeed, the woman became the center of attention, but all for the wrong reasons.

I Need to Vent

Now, any wedding couple may feel uneasy about having some unwanted detail during their big day. However, it does not mean they can simply go out and do a rant just because a tablecloth was not the same material as others. This woman, however, decided to complain about just a minor detail: her stepdaughter decided to get braces.

According to this woman, her stepdaughter’s braces may ruin any wedding photograph with her, which she attests with her having braces years prior. Yeah, braces can look ugly. However, what is even uglier is to actually go ballistic in seeing your own stepdaughter getting some braces, which is perhaps necessary to prevent her from using her insurance on something worse. She just takes preventive measures, that’s all.

Here’s to a Great Cause!

In recent years, there has been an upsurge in social justice movements everywhere, and none has been more prominent than Black Lives Matter (BLM). Of course, with such strong actions, the opposition has been equally intense and even spilled over into many activities and events. For instance, this couple decided to withdraw their deposit for their big day because their organizer supported the cause.
Of course, the organizer decided to drop them off. Since the couple signed a contract with a non-refundable clause, their deposit was regarded as non-refundable and supposedly was donated to BLM. In reply, the couple threatened a lawsuit with their attorney. Overall, the couple pretty much stepped out of bounds with their stunt and ended up becoming dysfunctional in the process.

All In Good Fun, I Guess

It always helps to have some degree of humor. For one, making a joke at the right place and time can definitely brighten one’s day. Sometimes, though, the reactions from a joke may not be what one might expect. Such was the case for this particular story, based on this post.

On the night before the wedding, the bride of the special occasion received a bouquet from the groom with a note on it saying, “I don’t.” Unsurprisingly, the bride and her friends panicked after reading that. As it turns out, though, the flowers weren’t from the groom but from one of the groomsmen. While it was all in good fun, or so he thought, there’s no denying he had a case of misplaced comedic timing.

For a Slice of Cake

Admit it; not everyone believes the danger that comes with the Covid-19, let alone how contagious this virus is that it can easily spread in any event. One positive person, and boom, it can spread like wildfire. So when this couple decided to push their wedding through despite having guests that are showing symptoms, like sneezing and coughing, the event’s DJ starts to panic.

However, it looks like the newlyweds have no plans to stop their wedding at all. Though the DJ calmly asks the guests to leave, the couple still wants to slice the cake and have their first dance. We get it; they’re both selfish to an incredible degree for putting their guests’ health at risk. Fortunately, the DJ is kind and responsible enough to do something about it.
